Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

3 Interesting Way to Say Love from 3 Different Countries

Saying “Love” to a person that we interest is not easy thing to do, you must have enough courage to do that. But now I won’t discuss about how to express the love feeling, but I will discuss about how come the culture can influence the way you express your love. In Indonesia we have an interesting step when we want to say love to someone. In Indonesia usually a man say love to a woman by verbal message such say “Aku sayang sama kamu, mau gak jadi pacarku ?” or sometimes they use the formal words such “aku ingin serius dengan kamu, maukah kamu dan aku membawa hubungan ini ke tingkat yang selanjutnya”. But the Interesting point is not about how to say that, but in Indonesia we have a session call “Pendekatan” or the young people know it as “PDKT” in this session, each other begin to have the communication and do the first date but they still don’t have the status as a couple. Why is this session become interesting ? As we know Indonesia is the country who has the high context, high power distance, and high content communication. This aspect of the communication show that Indonesia is Poly chronic, Sensitive, and the most important is Gesture and Nonverbal message country.  So, sometimes we don’t show it directly so we make it like codes to give the signal to the person we like. If the respond is quite good that’s mean there is a change to become a couple.

Land of Love this is the nick name of this country, what a beautiful nick name that they have. Yes such like the name French is the best country to say “love” to someone you love, because this country have a lot of beautiful place where you can get the perfect moment in this country such like Eifel Tower, Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile, and Pont Neuf those make French really romantic. But the people in French are not really romantic, they not usually do something such Indonesia do who say “aku sayang kamu” to express their feeling. But in French they know each other feeling from what the thing both of them do together. For example a woman and a man who have date everyday, and they show a lot o romantic thing between them. So they have known that they love each other. That is the romantic way to expressing love, maybe I can call it “Silent Love” it so interesting.

Rio Olympic 2016 leave an amazing experience of this country, Brazil is the country at the south of America this country is the country which have a lot of amazing culture. Such like Rege, Kapoera, and Etc. Brazil become popular because of a lot beautiful women who came from this country, such like Daniella Sarahyba Fernandes, Adriana Lima, and Alessandro Ambrosio. So that’s why most people think that Brazil is the country which have rights to date. In Brazil they have 2 steps in express the love to the other person.
First is Ficar, Ficar is a step in brazil people to begin the communication and begin to interested each other and doing such like a couple but in this case they still don’t have any status. So in Indonesia you can call it “TTM” or “Teman Tapi Mesra” this is the Interesting point.
The after pass the Ficar step a couple have get into the second step it’s call Namoar. In this step a couple who know each other and fell in love each other will prepare to the engagement before get married.

So the interesting point in this country is they don’t have the stage that Indonesian people call “Pacaran”.

Thank you for reading my writing, I’m sorry if there is something wrong about my article and I hope my article become useful for you. 

Halloween in New Digital Era

Halloween, is the festival that close with something mystic and haunted such like Ghost and Monster. Halloween is the word which that uses from sixteen centuries, which get from Scotland language All Hallows ‘Even (‘Evening ‘) or the Perfect Holy Night. A Historian name Nicholas Rogers who research where and when Halloween came from said that Halloween came from the Romanian’s culture which gives the respect to Pomona angel (the angel of fruits and seeds). But this festival tied by the Samhain culture in Irlandia, the meaning of Samhain is the end of summer and harvest is stop. In Irland, the people go outside of home and search for the something to eat before the night and they do it by using the customs. Then the Halloween culture also effected to the Christian’s culture that give the respect to the Saints who have pass away by give them a candle. This culture called All saints or All hallow, so it’s become Halloween.
Now Halloween has become really popular in the world, because Halloween is the unique culture who have a lot of fun, such like a lot of children visit a house to house for obtain the candy or chocolate by saying “treat or thick”. But now the children don’t doing rascal to the stingy family anymore, now the Halloween festival has become the festival close to Ghosts, Goblins, and Monsters. In this new era, a lot of people and company uses this Halloween for promotion event such like in my home town Pontianak, there is a Halloween festival that held in 31 of October every year, in there you can search a lot of food, souvenir and Haunted House or Haunted labyrinth which it theme Halloween.
The development of the technology, make a lot of change in interpret Halloween festival. In this new era exactly New Digital Era most people and companies use this festival just only for increasing the sales by giving the promotions use theme Halloween. So a lot of applications such like Clash Of Clans, Clash Royale, Pokemon Go, and Joox begin make a lot of campaigns and promotions about Halloween. For me this promotions is quite interesting because I is the one who play Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, and in this Halloween event they give us a haunted song, and a lot of obstacle theme Halloween in Clash of clans, but in the Clash Royale they release a card called graveyard card it really interesting card so I quite happy in this Halloween. I think it’s not only me, some of my
friend also feels happy, His name is Evan “Yes I really happy, Because Pokemon Go make the promotion with give us a lot of Ghost type pokemon such like Gasly, Haunter, Genggar, Drowzee and Hypno. Because as we know ghost type pokemons are rare”. My other friends Called Christian also feels happy during this Halloween “I really like to hear the song from Joox application (Streaming online Music), I get the 3 days VIP from this application I’m so happy because as we know to get that VIP I should pay quite expansive”

Begin with that opinion, I see something interesting Technology has make our main set about Halloween change. Halloween which people know as scary, haunted, and mystic have change become something interesting and fun. “Halloween is the culture from irland, that I know it have the close meaning with Samhain ritual. The company have use the miss perceptions of Halloween to make the contents for increasing the sales from the people who use online for transactions”  By Wandy (a Staff of the Digital Agency). So from that statement we can see that cultures are slowly change because of technology, maybe they will change to something out of the box and change the purpose of that culture it’s self.