Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Intercultural Marriage VS Inter religion Marriag

Intercultural marriage VS Inter religion marriage

Family is the smallest organization in the society where in family we can learn how to do the interactions with other people, the first place to learn how to see the world. So in the family we have a really strong relation, such as the love from Parents and Siblings. That all relationship show from the communication to each other, so from every single person in the family give their emotions, their symbols, their interpretation and their roles in that family. For example Father who can teach how to think and always become the patron of you, or mother that’s always teach you how to do something and share her love to you. That’s all the things are consist in the communication, so in the family relation Communication become really essential thing.
Tamara and mike lewis (google.com)
Base on that assumption, I really worry about some phenomenon that happened in the society. In intercultural communication we learn about, that in every communication it will be consist of Culture. Culture is the essential thing that Learned and Pass from one generation to generations, the important point that I want to share in this paper is about Culture are integrated and consist of a a lot of unsure such like Religion, political, art, language and etc. In this paper I want to try to discuss about Inter Cultural wedding and Inter Religion wedding. Why in Indonesia inter religion wedding are prohibited but inter cultural wedding are allowed.
According to Ahmad Asr Bashir, the wedding is perform a contract or agreement to bind themselves between a man and a woman to justify sexual intercourse between the two sides, on a voluntary basis and contentment of both parties to realize the happiness of family life are suffused compassion and peace in ways that blessed by God. From this definition we can see that marriage is the best way to express the love, from marriage that family relation begin.
As we know Indonesia is the country with a lot of differences, But in our symbol of Indonesia we are one such like what we said “Bhineka Tuggal Ika”. Not only in culture, Indonesia also legitimate 6 religions are allowed, and we have know that Indonesia have more than 1340 sub culture base on the survey of BPJS 2010. Now I believe Indonesia’s cultures are grow more than that because culture are dynamic. In historical of Indonesia, the immigrant from china went to Indonesia for the better life and most of them take the origin cultural girl from Indonesia for became their wife. So that’s make a assimilation from their child called “kaum peranakan China”. This kind of marriage can effected to the perspective of their child and effected to the conflict in their family.
Mellanie ricardo and Tyson (google,com)
If we compare between the culture and religion, culture is actually really big thing to talk because when we talk about culture we talk about the integrated thing because culture consist of Language, tradition, religions and Etc. But religion just only a part of the culture, but how and why the intercultural marriage are allowed but the inter religions marriage are disallowed. If we think it logically, if you different in culture that’s mean you and your partner are different about everything so it will make a lot of conflict in the family. But if you in the inter religion marriage you just different in the religion but both of you are the same in everything. So today we have the purpose to know what is the effect of inter cultural and inter religions marriage to the divorce degree in Indonesia.
Beda agama (google.com)
Base on my analysis by interviewing a leader of community in Christian, said that there is some different between the culture and religion. He said “you are right that culture is more complicated than the religion. But the question is why intercultural marriage is allowed and inter religion marriage are prohibited, exactly culture and religion is different. Culture could be Different but Religion is contradicting each other.” So in this case his opinion culture can be assimilated but if you say yes to this religion that is mean you say no to another religion.
In some cases there are some couple persistent do the inter religion marriage, he believe in this situation they can’t constantly do the assimilation for their religion. Because religion is contradicting. The best way is one of them should give up about his or her believes.
Indonesia is the country consists of cultures, Culture becomes really important to us as the Indonesian but we can’t forget that Indonesia is the eastern culture that believe in god such like what written in the first line in our ideology Believe in God. In this paper we can conclude that the policy of the government to disallow the inter religion are already right, because exactly every religion is contradiction each other but in this case is not talk about witch religion is the right. Every religion teaches you how to be a good people and become better person. So although those religions contradiction we still can live together in peace in the society.

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