Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Youtubers the impact of the Digital Media

Youtubers the impact of the Digital Media
LDP Kalau cowok jadi Cewek (googl.com)
Pop culture is the culture develop along with development of the technology, the development of pop culture are really depends of communication industry such like film, television, Internet and also advertisement industry. This pop culture can effected in the society live, it could be positive and negative, the positive is everything become really simple, you can easily to find and share information by using the internet, but in the other effect this pop culture can change some value of the society such like what Stuward Hall’s perspective in cultural studies. He said that pop culture can change such value from the society, such like in long time ago the opera is the one of the high culture that only rich people can enjoy it but now after people find the televisions that opera have become the pop culture that can enjoy by everyone. In another case pop culture is the object that critic by the neo-marxis. Because for them the media and the pop culture are easily use by the elite people for economical, and political purpose.
LDP BasaBasi (google.com)
The increasing of technology in Indonesia, also make a lot of impact, especially on Social media, such as instagram, FB or Youtube. There are some occupations that appear at the center of the society, one of them that we usually call “Youtubers” they often upload their video on youtube to get followers and subscriber. The concepts that Youtubers use, to get advantage it’s often through their advertisement from the company, the one who sponsored the video making. This concept it’s really fresh and enjoyable for the youtubers because they can do their hobbies and get amount of money in the same time. There are so many successful youtubers such as Last Day Production, Edho zell, Chandra liaw, and Raditya Dika. Their concept, theme and also the content from the video is really interesting and entertaining. On the video we can see how they use something that usually we see become a interesting comedy, and their nonverbal communication and also emotions from the youtubers can be ready bond to each other, and such creative thinks, especially their facial expression, gesture, intonation or the accent made the video became much funny and Enjoyable to watch.
There are some researches from some blog on the internet, that youtubers always make video about their daily live, comedy, news, cooking tutorial, makeup tutorial, and another interesting thinks. Youtubers said that became what they are now really existing and bring so much advantage like popularity, and of course money from the sponsor and google, they also have opportunity to share the knowledge and to make good relationship with so many people.
Edho Zell Parodi Edisi Imlek (google.com)
            Youtubers have become something that really interesting to be discussed, because this occupation still new and fresh and all of that begin with this information and digital era. Most of the Youtuber begin with see the opportunity in this information era, such like Last day production one of the most popular youtubers that consist of Guntur, Pao Pao, Jesicca, Matta, Eyon, Ratu Ayu Istiqomah, Mamun, Panda, dan Shandy. This group of youtubers have make more than 686.660 subscribers with their video such like Paranoid, Cara Kodein Cowok, Derita Punya saudara Laki – Laki, and 12 tipe anak gym. Another Youtuber is not strange any more he is Edho Zell, Edho Zell can be called as the king Youtuber in Indonesia. Almost all Youtubers from Indonesia must already be familiar with the cute-faced old young man's origin from Jakarta. His behavior in the media is enough to attract many people, to capitalize their ability to cultivate various kinds of parody that makes people love even amused to see it. Edho Zell began his career on YouTube circa 2010an. When it Edho Zell interested in popularity Sinta and Jojo who was suddenly famous for the song Poison conch lipsing videos they upload on YouTube. Now he have more than  900.000 subscribers and he must be one of the king of youtube.
Parodi See you Again (google,com)
In the conclusion all of the youtuber out for answering the changes, and they try to creative for searching something new every week to make us happy, I think what that they do not only for money but also make us learn something and more happy with their creations. As human aware or not aware we always interest with emotions from another people, and people always use nonverbal communication to show their emotions. Youtubers know how to control people emotions with combination of their verbal and especially with their nonverbal messages, they can make people feel so much emotions just by see their video.

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