Minggu, 18 Desember 2016

Youtubers the impact of the Digital Media

Youtubers the impact of the Digital Media
LDP Kalau cowok jadi Cewek (googl.com)
Pop culture is the culture develop along with development of the technology, the development of pop culture are really depends of communication industry such like film, television, Internet and also advertisement industry. This pop culture can effected in the society live, it could be positive and negative, the positive is everything become really simple, you can easily to find and share information by using the internet, but in the other effect this pop culture can change some value of the society such like what Stuward Hall’s perspective in cultural studies. He said that pop culture can change such value from the society, such like in long time ago the opera is the one of the high culture that only rich people can enjoy it but now after people find the televisions that opera have become the pop culture that can enjoy by everyone. In another case pop culture is the object that critic by the neo-marxis. Because for them the media and the pop culture are easily use by the elite people for economical, and political purpose.
LDP BasaBasi (google.com)
The increasing of technology in Indonesia, also make a lot of impact, especially on Social media, such as instagram, FB or Youtube. There are some occupations that appear at the center of the society, one of them that we usually call “Youtubers” they often upload their video on youtube to get followers and subscriber. The concepts that Youtubers use, to get advantage it’s often through their advertisement from the company, the one who sponsored the video making. This concept it’s really fresh and enjoyable for the youtubers because they can do their hobbies and get amount of money in the same time. There are so many successful youtubers such as Last Day Production, Edho zell, Chandra liaw, and Raditya Dika. Their concept, theme and also the content from the video is really interesting and entertaining. On the video we can see how they use something that usually we see become a interesting comedy, and their nonverbal communication and also emotions from the youtubers can be ready bond to each other, and such creative thinks, especially their facial expression, gesture, intonation or the accent made the video became much funny and Enjoyable to watch.
There are some researches from some blog on the internet, that youtubers always make video about their daily live, comedy, news, cooking tutorial, makeup tutorial, and another interesting thinks. Youtubers said that became what they are now really existing and bring so much advantage like popularity, and of course money from the sponsor and google, they also have opportunity to share the knowledge and to make good relationship with so many people.
Edho Zell Parodi Edisi Imlek (google.com)
            Youtubers have become something that really interesting to be discussed, because this occupation still new and fresh and all of that begin with this information and digital era. Most of the Youtuber begin with see the opportunity in this information era, such like Last day production one of the most popular youtubers that consist of Guntur, Pao Pao, Jesicca, Matta, Eyon, Ratu Ayu Istiqomah, Mamun, Panda, dan Shandy. This group of youtubers have make more than 686.660 subscribers with their video such like Paranoid, Cara Kodein Cowok, Derita Punya saudara Laki – Laki, and 12 tipe anak gym. Another Youtuber is not strange any more he is Edho Zell, Edho Zell can be called as the king Youtuber in Indonesia. Almost all Youtubers from Indonesia must already be familiar with the cute-faced old young man's origin from Jakarta. His behavior in the media is enough to attract many people, to capitalize their ability to cultivate various kinds of parody that makes people love even amused to see it. Edho Zell began his career on YouTube circa 2010an. When it Edho Zell interested in popularity Sinta and Jojo who was suddenly famous for the song Poison conch lipsing videos they upload on YouTube. Now he have more than  900.000 subscribers and he must be one of the king of youtube.
Parodi See you Again (google,com)
In the conclusion all of the youtuber out for answering the changes, and they try to creative for searching something new every week to make us happy, I think what that they do not only for money but also make us learn something and more happy with their creations. As human aware or not aware we always interest with emotions from another people, and people always use nonverbal communication to show their emotions. Youtubers know how to control people emotions with combination of their verbal and especially with their nonverbal messages, they can make people feel so much emotions just by see their video.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

Intercultural Marriage VS Inter religion Marriag

Intercultural marriage VS Inter religion marriage

Family is the smallest organization in the society where in family we can learn how to do the interactions with other people, the first place to learn how to see the world. So in the family we have a really strong relation, such as the love from Parents and Siblings. That all relationship show from the communication to each other, so from every single person in the family give their emotions, their symbols, their interpretation and their roles in that family. For example Father who can teach how to think and always become the patron of you, or mother that’s always teach you how to do something and share her love to you. That’s all the things are consist in the communication, so in the family relation Communication become really essential thing.
Tamara and mike lewis (google.com)
Base on that assumption, I really worry about some phenomenon that happened in the society. In intercultural communication we learn about, that in every communication it will be consist of Culture. Culture is the essential thing that Learned and Pass from one generation to generations, the important point that I want to share in this paper is about Culture are integrated and consist of a a lot of unsure such like Religion, political, art, language and etc. In this paper I want to try to discuss about Inter Cultural wedding and Inter Religion wedding. Why in Indonesia inter religion wedding are prohibited but inter cultural wedding are allowed.
According to Ahmad Asr Bashir, the wedding is perform a contract or agreement to bind themselves between a man and a woman to justify sexual intercourse between the two sides, on a voluntary basis and contentment of both parties to realize the happiness of family life are suffused compassion and peace in ways that blessed by God. From this definition we can see that marriage is the best way to express the love, from marriage that family relation begin.
As we know Indonesia is the country with a lot of differences, But in our symbol of Indonesia we are one such like what we said “Bhineka Tuggal Ika”. Not only in culture, Indonesia also legitimate 6 religions are allowed, and we have know that Indonesia have more than 1340 sub culture base on the survey of BPJS 2010. Now I believe Indonesia’s cultures are grow more than that because culture are dynamic. In historical of Indonesia, the immigrant from china went to Indonesia for the better life and most of them take the origin cultural girl from Indonesia for became their wife. So that’s make a assimilation from their child called “kaum peranakan China”. This kind of marriage can effected to the perspective of their child and effected to the conflict in their family.
Mellanie ricardo and Tyson (google,com)
If we compare between the culture and religion, culture is actually really big thing to talk because when we talk about culture we talk about the integrated thing because culture consist of Language, tradition, religions and Etc. But religion just only a part of the culture, but how and why the intercultural marriage are allowed but the inter religions marriage are disallowed. If we think it logically, if you different in culture that’s mean you and your partner are different about everything so it will make a lot of conflict in the family. But if you in the inter religion marriage you just different in the religion but both of you are the same in everything. So today we have the purpose to know what is the effect of inter cultural and inter religions marriage to the divorce degree in Indonesia.
Beda agama (google.com)
Base on my analysis by interviewing a leader of community in Christian, said that there is some different between the culture and religion. He said “you are right that culture is more complicated than the religion. But the question is why intercultural marriage is allowed and inter religion marriage are prohibited, exactly culture and religion is different. Culture could be Different but Religion is contradicting each other.” So in this case his opinion culture can be assimilated but if you say yes to this religion that is mean you say no to another religion.
In some cases there are some couple persistent do the inter religion marriage, he believe in this situation they can’t constantly do the assimilation for their religion. Because religion is contradicting. The best way is one of them should give up about his or her believes.
Indonesia is the country consists of cultures, Culture becomes really important to us as the Indonesian but we can’t forget that Indonesia is the eastern culture that believe in god such like what written in the first line in our ideology Believe in God. In this paper we can conclude that the policy of the government to disallow the inter religion are already right, because exactly every religion is contradiction each other but in this case is not talk about witch religion is the right. Every religion teaches you how to be a good people and become better person. So although those religions contradiction we still can live together in peace in the society.

Tatan and Pop Culture

Tatan  and the pop cuture

Tatan Bocah lucu dari Instagram (google.com)
Most of Indonesian people have know n Jonathan R. Sugianto or we usually call him Tatan. He is only 3 years old now, he become famous after his post in his instagram account with the account name JRsugiarto. The thing that make him become unique, he has a big body and really fat and he is really cute. Now child who born in February 2013 has more than 200 thousand followers in his instagram accounts. The instagram accounts which make tatan become famous is operated by his elder brother name Geraldo Sugiarto. The first video of tatan was post in 8 July 2016, but the most famous video of tatan is when he imitated the voice of the animals such like cat’s voice, cock, goat and lizard voice.
Pop culture is the culture develop along with development of the technology, the development of pop culture are really depends of communication industry such like film, television, Internet and also advertisement industry. This pop culture can effected in the society live, it could be positive and negative, the positive is everything become really simple, you can easily to find and share information by using the internet, but in the other effect this pop culture can change some value of the society such like what Stuward Hall’s perspective in cultural studies. He said that pop culture can change such value from the society, such like in long time ago the opera is the one of the high culture that only rich people can enjoy it but now after people find the televisions that opera have become the pop culture that can enjoy by everyone. In another case pop culture is the object that critics by the neo-marxis. Because for them the media and the pop culture are easily use by the elite people for economical, and political purpose. So, in this article I want to explain the tatan’s trend with the pop culture theories.  
The world we have known some era before the information era there are agrarian era and the industry era. I believe most of you have hear about this premise  that who controls the information, then he will control the world. Civilization is changing so fast. How to make a living is very fast. Information obtained so quickly. Information society, a society that is most of them already have ability to manage information, using new information and communication technologies.  And public information need only requires knowledge to be able to manage information and create information technology, and then expand it. In the Information Age, the public will get a lot of benefit because of new technology in all aspects of life For example, mobile phones. Then not only the improvement of mobile phone only but some industrial business move to use the online media for their way to selling something.
Tatan balita gemuk yang banyak fansnya (google.com)
From Tatan case we can see that tatan is the user of one new media and what he does is the pop culture. Tatan use instagram to sharing the information, then this instagram’s post can be see for all people in this world, that is the simple explain why tatan could be famous. Because instagram is the new media or social media that uses for sharing photo and video to his accounts and another accounts could see his photo and video also.  But from  this case there is something interesting, in this case not only the new media which have roles but pop culture also. What tatan do in his instagram could make him famous because he is really fat and quite cute. From this case we can learn that the values of Indonesia people have change. Obesity is the some point that not good for the health, but now the obesity child has become cute and can be famous, this case we can see that tatan can make a new mind set to the people in Indonesia which have the fat children like tatan will be interesting, but actually that obesity is not good for their health.
So we can conclude that tatan is the pop culture that change the people mind set about the fat children that not good for their health become something funny and interesting. In another thing we should see that tatan is the user of the new media that is Instagram that can make him famous, of course in this new media we can get a lot of benefits but do not forget that we also have a lot of  side effects of this new media. 

Jakarta Megapolitan

Jakarta Megapolitan
          Jakarta is the one of the town that we can call as a megapolitan town. In Jakarta we can meet a lot of different people with the different ethnic and culture. In Ja

karta we have more than twelve point seven millions people who live in Jakarta, this statistic make Jakarta become really crowded. This statistic happen because Jakarta is the center of economical in Indonesia, most of the people from another place in Indonesia try to change their life in Jakarta. this urbanization happen of course because of the development of the media. Media become really strong point to change the people from traditional to Modern. But this development of this media still not effected to the toleration between one religion to another religion. Now a day, still a lot of Ethnic, Religion and Races have the conflict each other. To become the megapolitan city is not the easy home work to solve all of problems, especially for Jakarta.
Jakarta Megapolitan city 2 (google.com)
            In this article, maybe I will more like become the politician to analysis some problem from Jakarta that can make Jakarta become the best city in the world. The fist problems that I want to discuss is about the mentality of the most Jakarta people that is about the rubbish we have more than enough rubbish been for littering something. But why we still throw the rubbish to the river, on the road, or maybe your neighbor’s yard. Rubbishes can also effected to another problem in the megapolitan city like Jakarta, that is flood. Flood has make the people in Jakarta become really dangerous, the flood in some place in Jakarta could be around two meters.
Jakarata Megapolitan city 1 (google.com)
Another problems is because of the crowded of Jakarta, it make a lot of traffic jam in Jakarta that make Jakarta become one of the most traffic city in the world. Can you imagine , there are more than 12.7 million people live in Jakarta. Meanwhile, the territory of  Jakarta is only 664 kilometers square. It has make Jakarta very crowded, and can you imagine if every people in Jakarta have at least one car . That is a really big problem for Jakarta. In this socialization I want all of you realize the benefit of using the public transportation, such like angkot, bus way, and rail way. Beside of decreasing the traffic jam of Jakarta, using the public transportation can decrease oil used. I believe in long period Jakarta will free pollutions.
I believe also, most of you think that public transportations are the bad vehicles, “That right !”  I have to be honest, because for me infrastructure of Indonesia is totally bad. But we have a plan to increasing the tax for cars and motorcycle. Then we will put the tax for increasing the quality of infrastructure in Indonesia exactly in Jakarta. So the quality of public transportation will increase and the user of cars will decrease.
            In this article I want to share something that really important to improve not only Jakarta but also Indonesia, we should begin to be proud to have Pancasila as our guide lines of our live and UUD 1945 as our constitutions. Another thing is I want to ask all of you to increase the tolerant to another people that maybe different from you. Although we are different but we are still one as Indonesian, it same as what the Indonesian Philosophy Bhineka Tuggal Ika. From the demonstration 4 November 2016 and 2 December 2016 make us believe that Indonesia still can’t accept the differential. I’m not the politician, that want to take sides of one religion or agenda of one person but I want we to realize that if we increasing the tolerant it will make a lot of benefits of Jakarta and Indonesia. Such as the investors are not hesitant to give or put their money in Indonesia and Jakarta and the tax amnesty will be success, those thing can make the economical in Indonesia more stronger because Indonesia have become a safety country. Another benefits that can Indonesia obtain is the visitors from another country it will make the improvement in Indonesia Visa and also it can improve the Indonesia infrastructures. But the most important point is everyone who live in Indonesia will feel peace without worry about every problems with differential in Ethnic, Race and Religion.

            Try to love your City, Try to love your County everything big are begin with something small. I believe our city and country will be better because of a lot better people in it.

Young Generation Young Indonesia

Young Generation Young Indonesia
The small thing that we should remember, why Indonesia still become a develop country. It’s not because we are still young as a Country, and not because we are poor in economical. We are still a develop country is because we still not proud to be an Indonesian, most of us still saying something like doing a vow “If I become a rich people, I don’t want to live in Indonesia.” I really worry about what a crisis of mentality that we have as Indonesian, we have a really strong and good ideology as our guideline in our life that is Pancasila and we have a really cool constitution that is UUD 1945. The some point that I want we to think together, we are not poor in economical, we as Indonesia is really rich country we have more than seventeen thousand five hundred islands in Indonesia, and we have more than one thousand three hundred ethics and we have five hundred and twenty four languages it that not enough to change our mind that Indonesia is the rich of culture country. But for me the wrong thing is not about what Indonesia have as a country, one of the philosopher and ex president of USA John F Kennedy says that “Ask not what your county can do to you, ask what can you do for your country”.  So that’s mean a good country should have a good people in their way to become an advance country. Now I want you follow me to see how the young people in Indonesia can guide you to become proud to be an Indonesian.
1.      Duo Tantowi Ahmad dan Liliana Natsir
Tantowi Ahmad and Liliana Natsir (google.com)
We as the Indonesian people should be proud to both of this mix double couple in badminton. Tantowi ahmad or usually called Owi and Liliana Natsir or usually called Butet are young people that work hard  and think hard to play and to make Indonesia’s name become good in International states. the one of the most memorable thing that they do in this 2016 are become champion of the world in Rio Olympic in Brazil, that is the first gold medal in Olympic after they defeat couple from Malay they are Chan Peng Soon and Goh li ying. Another prestation that they get is three times become the champions in all England 2012, 2013, and 2014. Now  Tantowi Ahmad and Liliana Natsir at the second place in Badminton World Federation . The main point that we can learn from Owi And Butet is their ambition and their Patient to wait become the real winner, that’s why we should proud to be Indonesian.
Benny Fajarai (google.com)
2.      Benny Fajarai Qlapa.com
Benny Fajarai is the second young person from Indonesia can inspire you to become proud of Indonesia, Benny is the CEO of Qlapa.com is an online trading website for handmade products (handmade) and crafts such as wooden furniture, jewelry, hanging ornaments, paintings, leather wallets, and other handmade products direct from the manufacturer both traditional and modern models. Benny was born in Pontianak, West Borneo and from a simple family. The important point that we can learn from this bachelor Degree of Information Technology in Bina Nusantara University is his altitude, to become success person you need the ambition and patient like Owi and Butet but you also need a good character to maintain your relation with other people. From Benny still young he have a good personality there are Active, Creative and Empaty. All personality has he shown when he was child, he take a old lady every day with his bycicle because he feels sad when he see a old woman should walk very far every day. I believe the successful person not because you are a good thinker but, you can success because you have a good altitude.
3.      Angkie Yudistia
Angkie Yudistia (google.com)
Angkie Yudistia, a glance when you see her you will think that she is fine in communication skill but actually she is deaf, she can’t hear what the other people say. When she was young actually when she at the school she have a really time in making the communication with her friends and also the teachers. but she success in using the mouth movement reading method to solve her disability, from that skill she have graduate in LSPR with IPK 3.5 and At the age of just 25 years, Angkie already become founder and CEO (chief executive officer) Thisable Enterprise. Company founded with his colleague that focus on the social mission, particularly to help people who have physical limitations disabilities (Ability Different People). So from Angkie we can learn that situation can’t stop your prestation, in every obstacle you still can survive and find your own success.
That’s all the important value should we have to be successful in our life, and make Indonesia proud to have you in this country.

Food Photography

Food Photography
Hendy Halim / LB51 / 190187601
30 November 2016

            Food Photography, sebuah pekerjaan yang unik dan fresh. Kita pasti sering melihat sebuah ritual yang awalnya tidak wajar, dan kemudian menjadi sesuatu yang lumrah dilakukan yaitu ritual foto dulu makanannya sebelum dimakan. Hasil-hasil jepretan foto dari kamera Hp ini lah yang digunakan untuk menghiasi sosial media para penggunanya. Selain itu banyak dari mereka juga yang menggunakan media sosial mereka untuk mempromosikan sebuah tempat makan dan menu makanan favorit di restaurant itu, kegiatan ini sering kita kenal dengan endorser. Tapi hari ini kita gak akan bahas soal Endorser, tapi kita akan ngomongin sebuah pekerjaan yang unik yaitu Food Photography.
            Pada sebuah work shop yang diadakan di Binus University dengan seorang pembicara yang merupakan ahli dari food photography yaitu bapak Herry Tjiang. Beliau menjelaskan berbagai macam lika-liku menjadi seorang food photographer, mulai dari fungsi-fungsi food photography sampai nilai-nilai yang diciptakan oleh hasil potretannya. Dalam acara yang disponsori oleh Ezytravel ini juga kami dapat mengembangkan kemampuan untuk berfoto untuk mendapatkan hadiah utama jalan-jalan ke Bangkok Thailand.
            Dalam kesempatan ini bapak Herry Tjiang membagikan pengalamannya dalam bidang food photography. Ia menjelaskan bahwa ada 3 komponen atau peran penting dalam menciptakan hasil potretan yang sempurna yaitu fotographer , art director dan food stylish. Seorang photographer memegang peran penting dalam menciptakan foto yang baik, karena sangan membutuhkan pencahayaan dan tentu saja memerlukan ketelitian tinggi untuk menciptakan sudut foto yang sempurna. Selain itu seorang Art Director sangat diperlukan untuk menciptakan taste dalam foto tersebut, nilai estetika dan konsep-konsep dapat menjadi sebuah kunci utama dalam membangun karakter foto. Food Stylish, adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang sungguh tidak mudah, dimana seorang food stylish harus paham tentang karakter dari makanan yang akan difoto dan dikombinasikan dengan imajinasi dari art director untuk menciptakan tatanan dan susunan yang baik dalam menghasilkan foto yang mengoda. Terkadang para food stylish menggunakan makanan-makanan yang palsu untuk menyesuaikan karakter dari makanan tersebut. Sungguh sebuah pekerjaan yang tidak mudah, ibaratnya membutuhkan rangkaian yang sangan panjang dan untuk menciptakan foto makanan yang selain indah dan menggoda harus juga menjual. 
            Dalam penyampaian hasil-hasil karyanya bapak Herry Tjiang menampilakn beberapa contoh hasil-hasil karyanya seperti hasil karyanya dalam pemotretan di Cut The Crab, Bak Mie Akang, dan membandingkan makanan Mpek-Mpek pada umumnya dan hasil karyanya sebagai Food Photographer dan juga merangkap sebagai Food Stylish. Jelas untuk menjadi sekarang ini jelas bukan hal yang mudah ada beberapa tantangan yang diceritakan oleh bapak Herry Tjiang yaitu menjadikan makanan menjadi menarik dan mengiurkan (lebih indah dari aslinya) dan dapat menampilkan photo yang lebih meningkarkan rasa, imaginasi, yang menarik dari makanannya. Untuk menjawab tantangan – tantangan  itu bapak Herry Tjiang memerlukan perlengkapan – perlengkapan yang tidak sedikit pastinya, beliau mengguanakan
1.      camera, lensa dan tripod
2.      lightning (trigger), Light Meter
3.      Table top / Backgrount and stand
4.      Perlengkapan Table Top
5.      Reflector.
Beliau juga membutuhkan beberapa perlengkapan tambahan untuk menghiasi makanananya agar menarik yaitu ;
1.      Piring, Cangkir, Sendok Garpu, dan Gelas
2.      Celemek, Hiasan, Bunga dll
3.      Garnish (Hiasan dan product, coklat, keju, dll)
4.      Alat pemotong, gunting dll

Food Photography, sebuah pekerjaan yang berangkat dari sebuah kebiasaan, kecintaan dan Hobby menghasilkan sebuah karya yang indah untuk menerangkan bukan hanya nilai-nilai komersial tapi juga nilai-nilai seni dan keidupan didalamnya.

Martin Luther King Junior

Martin Luther King Junior

Martin Luther King Junior @google.com
Pastor Martin Luther King is the one who inspire my live. Martin Luther King is the person who’s obtains the noble of humanity in America as the America-Africa Civil Right movement. For me he is amazing person which have a charismatic speech skill. He can influence most of the people in the world, exactly in America to begin the revolution. I still remember one of his amazing and controversial speech call “I Have A Dream”. After this controversial Speech he is died by a gun shoot in 4 April 1968. As we know in America, the black skin people in there always get the violation from the white skin people in there. Because of the black skin people are not superior as the white skin people in America. Those things happen because of the black skin people are the descent of servant who takes from Africa to America. Although the prohibition of the slave servants appear in 1808, the transaction of slave servant still continue in the internal of the country. So it doesn’t mean the suffer of the black-skin people in America stops in 1808. When Abraham Lincoln, become the president of America in 1860 it make the south of America set free them self as the own country. So it begin the sibling war, so from that moment a lot of the slave servant set free them self from that violation.
I Have a Dream @google.com
Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the son of the Martin Luther King Senior and Alberta William King. Then Martin Luther King Junior get married with Coretta Scott on 18 June 1953. From this married they have 4 children there are Yolanda Denise King, Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott King, and Bernice Albertine King. Then he is the Bachelor degree of Art in Morehouse College in 1948, after that in the Seminary Theology Crozer in Chester, Pennsylvania he has Bachelor of Divinity in 1951. The last he get his Ph.D in Systematic of Theology in Boston University in 1955. Martin Luther King is the pastor in Baptis Montgomery church, then he become active to battle against the violation to the black-skin people in America.

Tamia's Speech @google.com
When I was young, I always think to become like Martin Luther King junior. Because, I have a dream to become a good Public Speaker who have the charismatic to make my words becomes impactful to many people in the world, especially for Indonesia. I always think about the beautiful country without discrimination and violation, so I want to heir the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King in my life to make the better place. I also want to take some words from the little girl who deliver her speech 6 years ago, she said “I will achieve the dream of becoming an outstanding black female attorney. Dr. King believes that we could overcome. And today, January 15, 2010, I Tamia Gaines, pledge to all who will hear me : I can, I must, I will achieve my dreams and my successes. Why ? Because Dr. King Kicked down the door so I can Walk Through.” So I should say I can, I must, I will achieve my dreams and my Successes. that’s all thank you.

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

3 Interesting Way to Say Love from 3 Different Countries

Saying “Love” to a person that we interest is not easy thing to do, you must have enough courage to do that. But now I won’t discuss about how to express the love feeling, but I will discuss about how come the culture can influence the way you express your love. In Indonesia we have an interesting step when we want to say love to someone. In Indonesia usually a man say love to a woman by verbal message such say “Aku sayang sama kamu, mau gak jadi pacarku ?” or sometimes they use the formal words such “aku ingin serius dengan kamu, maukah kamu dan aku membawa hubungan ini ke tingkat yang selanjutnya”. But the Interesting point is not about how to say that, but in Indonesia we have a session call “Pendekatan” or the young people know it as “PDKT” in this session, each other begin to have the communication and do the first date but they still don’t have the status as a couple. Why is this session become interesting ? As we know Indonesia is the country who has the high context, high power distance, and high content communication. This aspect of the communication show that Indonesia is Poly chronic, Sensitive, and the most important is Gesture and Nonverbal message country.  So, sometimes we don’t show it directly so we make it like codes to give the signal to the person we like. If the respond is quite good that’s mean there is a change to become a couple.

Land of Love this is the nick name of this country, what a beautiful nick name that they have. Yes such like the name French is the best country to say “love” to someone you love, because this country have a lot of beautiful place where you can get the perfect moment in this country such like Eifel Tower, Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile, and Pont Neuf those make French really romantic. But the people in French are not really romantic, they not usually do something such Indonesia do who say “aku sayang kamu” to express their feeling. But in French they know each other feeling from what the thing both of them do together. For example a woman and a man who have date everyday, and they show a lot o romantic thing between them. So they have known that they love each other. That is the romantic way to expressing love, maybe I can call it “Silent Love” it so interesting.

Rio Olympic 2016 leave an amazing experience of this country, Brazil is the country at the south of America this country is the country which have a lot of amazing culture. Such like Rege, Kapoera, and Etc. Brazil become popular because of a lot beautiful women who came from this country, such like Daniella Sarahyba Fernandes, Adriana Lima, and Alessandro Ambrosio. So that’s why most people think that Brazil is the country which have rights to date. In Brazil they have 2 steps in express the love to the other person.
First is Ficar, Ficar is a step in brazil people to begin the communication and begin to interested each other and doing such like a couple but in this case they still don’t have any status. So in Indonesia you can call it “TTM” or “Teman Tapi Mesra” this is the Interesting point.
The after pass the Ficar step a couple have get into the second step it’s call Namoar. In this step a couple who know each other and fell in love each other will prepare to the engagement before get married.

So the interesting point in this country is they don’t have the stage that Indonesian people call “Pacaran”.

Thank you for reading my writing, I’m sorry if there is something wrong about my article and I hope my article become useful for you. 

Halloween in New Digital Era

Halloween, is the festival that close with something mystic and haunted such like Ghost and Monster. Halloween is the word which that uses from sixteen centuries, which get from Scotland language All Hallows ‘Even (‘Evening ‘) or the Perfect Holy Night. A Historian name Nicholas Rogers who research where and when Halloween came from said that Halloween came from the Romanian’s culture which gives the respect to Pomona angel (the angel of fruits and seeds). But this festival tied by the Samhain culture in Irlandia, the meaning of Samhain is the end of summer and harvest is stop. In Irland, the people go outside of home and search for the something to eat before the night and they do it by using the customs. Then the Halloween culture also effected to the Christian’s culture that give the respect to the Saints who have pass away by give them a candle. This culture called All saints or All hallow, so it’s become Halloween.
Now Halloween has become really popular in the world, because Halloween is the unique culture who have a lot of fun, such like a lot of children visit a house to house for obtain the candy or chocolate by saying “treat or thick”. But now the children don’t doing rascal to the stingy family anymore, now the Halloween festival has become the festival close to Ghosts, Goblins, and Monsters. In this new era, a lot of people and company uses this Halloween for promotion event such like in my home town Pontianak, there is a Halloween festival that held in 31 of October every year, in there you can search a lot of food, souvenir and Haunted House or Haunted labyrinth which it theme Halloween.
The development of the technology, make a lot of change in interpret Halloween festival. In this new era exactly New Digital Era most people and companies use this festival just only for increasing the sales by giving the promotions use theme Halloween. So a lot of applications such like Clash Of Clans, Clash Royale, Pokemon Go, and Joox begin make a lot of campaigns and promotions about Halloween. For me this promotions is quite interesting because I is the one who play Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, and in this Halloween event they give us a haunted song, and a lot of obstacle theme Halloween in Clash of clans, but in the Clash Royale they release a card called graveyard card it really interesting card so I quite happy in this Halloween. I think it’s not only me, some of my
friend also feels happy, His name is Evan “Yes I really happy, Because Pokemon Go make the promotion with give us a lot of Ghost type pokemon such like Gasly, Haunter, Genggar, Drowzee and Hypno. Because as we know ghost type pokemons are rare”. My other friends Called Christian also feels happy during this Halloween “I really like to hear the song from Joox application (Streaming online Music), I get the 3 days VIP from this application I’m so happy because as we know to get that VIP I should pay quite expansive”

Begin with that opinion, I see something interesting Technology has make our main set about Halloween change. Halloween which people know as scary, haunted, and mystic have change become something interesting and fun. “Halloween is the culture from irland, that I know it have the close meaning with Samhain ritual. The company have use the miss perceptions of Halloween to make the contents for increasing the sales from the people who use online for transactions”  By Wandy (a Staff of the Digital Agency). So from that statement we can see that cultures are slowly change because of technology, maybe they will change to something out of the box and change the purpose of that culture it’s self.

Kamis, 29 September 2016

About Me

Hello, my name is Hendy Halim. I am an undergraduate student in Bina Nusantara University of Jakarta and I majoring in Marketing Communications. I came to Jakarta just for finish my Bachelor's degree, actually I'm from Pontianak, West Borneo. In this profile I want to share something about me. I'm a talkative person, my friends always told me that and I think, I have the power in my communication Skill so that's why I take my Bachelor's degree by majoring In Marketing Communication. But my Philosophy of my live is, Listen is the most important skill in communication because every times I listen, I learn something.

Beside of my academic story, I'm a sport lover, actually I love to play Basketball, Badminton, and Swimming. When I play sport I make a lot of friend in many diversity maybe in Culture, Language, and Style of playing skill. That is really fun. I'm also a confident person, My mother told me that i'm handsome, but I think that only my mom told me that. haha.